MY NIGHT WITH REG Donmar Theatre

Kevin Elyot’s comedy of manners gets its first London revival since its premiere twenty years ago. Sadly, the playwright died a month ago, just as Robert Hestie’s production was going into rehearsal. He was 62 and had been ill for some time. His play is about sex and death; it is also about love, friendship and deception. Reg never appears; but he has slept with all the characters in the play. AIDS is never mentioned but since the comedy is set in the 1980’s they are all clearly at risk. Elyot’s excellent sad-comic script is non-judgemental, compassionate, witty and frank.

The action, which lasts just under two hours, is played without interval and spread over four years, beginning with a house-warming and followed by two wakes. Jonathan Broadbent is Guy, one of the nicest people, a good friend in whom they all confide but whom nobody fancies. A lonely bachelor, pushing forty, he adores the idle, rich and promiscuous John; but he has never got round to telling him. Julian Ovenden is John, his once golden image now tarnished; he suddenly finds himself bereaved and is utterly gutted.

Geoffrey Streatfield is the outrageous Daniel, a screaming Restoration fop in modern dress. Richard Cant is boring Bernie (so boring he redefines boredom). Matt Bardock is his foul-mouthed and unfaithful partner. Lewis Reeves is a cute 18-year-old Birmingham lad, who works in a pub and does interior decoration. The production is a fine memorial tribute to Kevin Elyot. The actors are perfect.

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