SPEED-THE-PLOW Playhouse Theatre, London

A Hollywood producer has to make a choice between a brainless blockbuster and an art house ecological film. Who cares about artistic integrity? What is the sense in making a film nobody is going to watch? David Mamet, master of the modern-urban, fast-paced, overlapping speech, takes his revenge on the movie industry. His satire, with the right actors, can carry a terrific punch. Six years ago at the Old Vic Jeff Goldblum and Kevin Spacey had a ball and their hyper-active performances were hugely entertaining. They were the best double-act in town. The box-office draw now is American film actress Lindsay Lohan who is making her stage debut. Her role is important; but it’s a supporting role. It is the two men who have to carry Lindsay Posner’s disappointing production and Richard Schiff and Nigel Lindsay aren’t in the same league as Goldblum and Spacey.

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