Gurinder Chadha had such a big success producing, directing and writing the feel-good movie that it is natural that she would want to keep a tight hold on the reins of the stage version. The additional attraction is that there is now music by Howard Goodall. Sophie-Louise Dann has one of the best numbers, “There She Goes”.

Jess (Natalie Dew) the daughter of an orthodox Sikh family, wants to be a professional footballer. Her dad doesn’t want her to suffer the racism and failure he suffered when he was young. Her mum wants her to do something more respectable, such as learn to cook and get married.

The choral number, “Just a Game”, which is sung at the finale to the first act, gives the show such a fillip that it immediately raises hopes that the second half will be better; and the second half which, includes a colourful Indian wedding celebration, is indeed much better and builds to a cheerful, audience-friendly climax.

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