GERMAN SKERRIES Orange Tree Theatre, Richmond, Surrey

Robert Holman’s plays are about life as it is lived by ordinary people. German Skerries, very nicely acted in this revival by Alice Hamilton, was last seen nearly 40 years ago. The setting is a nature reserve in Teeside in 1976. The skerries are treacherous rocks, a sanctuary for cormorants and in serious danger from industrial pollution.

Holman has said that his play is about the desire to move on and do better. A young man, a birdwatcher (George Evans), is cleverer than he thinks he is. He just needs his wife (Katie Moore) to give him confidence and make him take some O levels – if he really wants promotion at work, that is. An elderly primary schoolteacher and birdwatcher (Howard Ward) gives him some advice: “Never regret. Life’s too short. Nothing is important.”

German Skerries, lyrical and understated, is so very subtle that there is almost nothing there; or at least not enough to fully engage an audience.

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